
Christine Wiedinmyer and Jennifer Katzung would like to invite all CIRES Visiting Fellows, Post-docs, and CGA members to join us at Scott Carpenter Park. This will be a fun, informal opportunity to meet new and friendly faces at CIRES. Friends and family are invited. Drinks and snacks will be provided. 

Please reach out to Jennifer at jennifer.katzung@colorado.edu for any questions or help with directions. 


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA), in partnership with GradCO alliance, invites postdocs and graduate students to learn about the process for successful proposal development when seeking grants or fellowships.


Join your fellow postdocs for food and fun at the Rayback Collective. The family-friendly event will be hosted by the Postdoctoral Association of Colorado Boulder (PAC Boulder).


This session will help you revisit and reflect on your goals for self-care. Explore how to create supportive teams and learn strategies to communicate more effectively with whom those you work. Refreshments will be served for those that RSVP by July 13.


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) invites all new postdocs to a virtual orientation that will highlight key campus units, resources and activities to foster a fruitful postdoc experience.


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs invites postdocs to webinars from the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). All CU Boulder postdocs have access to NCFDD resources, and must activate your account by following the directions on 


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs invites postdocs to webinars from the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). All CU Boulder postdocs have access to NCFDD resources, and must activate your account by following the directions on 


The Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) invite postdocs to a six week series on learning and practicing several strategies for cultivating a mindfulness practice in the areas of body, emotions, mind and relationships. Practices will include mindfulness, meditation, cognitive restructuring, emotional awareness and regulation, communication and movement.



The National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) will be hosting a free, seven-week online course on skill development for postdocs as they prepare to transition into their next career.