


As part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW), come meet fellow postdocs at a coffee hour sponsored by the Postdoctoral Association of Colorado Boulder (PAC Boulder)!



This interactive session explores the concept of implicit or unconscious bias – what it is, where it comes from, and how, despite our best intentions, it’s not a question of if we have implicit biases – but what implicit biases do we have? Session concludes with an exploration of how to combat these biases with awareness and skills.


The wellness workshop series are 90-minute monthly sessions where we explore different facets of individual wellness. Throughout the series, participants will learn about evidence based practices and interventions that can be applied to their own lives to decrease stress and improve their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Workshop topics include positive psychology, gratitude, mindfulness, and cognitive behavior theory.


In this workshop, participants will learn about positive psychology and evidence-based practices for making life a little bit happier.


Career Services invites postdocs to attend their virtual fall office hours.


Join NPA and the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows program for a conversation with postdocs turned AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows. To sign up for memebership, click on this link and follow the registration process.


The AAAS Office of Government Relations is pleased to announce the 2021 Virtual CASE Workshop, which will take place September 23-24. As the Workshop is virtual, registration is FREE and open to all STEM undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs. 

The CASE Workshop is an exciting opportunity to learn from science policy and advocacy experts about the role of science in policymaking and the federal policy-making process. The Workshop empowers participants with ways to become a voice for basic research throughout their careers.