

Learn techniques and tips for managing and owning your time.



The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) and Graduate School invite postdocs and graduate students to learn about the process for successful proposal development.

The workshop will focus on best practices for writing a quality grant proposal for potential funders. Diane Carillo, Proposal Writer for the Research & Innovation Office (RIO), will discuss key steps, including reviewing funder guidelines and requirements, planning the project, writing/editing/proofreading, and submitting.

Advance questions or suggestions for topics are welcome to opa@colorado.edu.



The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) invites all new postdocs to an informational and social event.

This orientation will help familiarize postdocs new to campus with CU Boulder and career pathways by:


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) invites postdocs to an informational session to learn how to identify funding using a variety of tools available to CU postdocs.


Explore Arches and Canyon Lands National Parks while staying in a condo. Spend a day climbing and another day mountain biking in the Moab area. No experience necessary. There is a pre-trip meeting on November 13 from 6-7:30pm.


Join at the Outback Saloon and hear local scientists explain their work and field scientific questions from the public.


Join Leslie Blood, PhD, the new writing coordinator at the Graduate School, for a writing workshop designed to help you establish and maintain good writing habits.